"I was saved from death; here's my second chance!"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bruce's Journey

Bruce has been in our rescue program since August 2012, awaiting his perfect home.  We have had ups and downs with this beautiful boy, from his deafness to his anxiety and behavioral issues.  After several different foster homes, boarding, several adopters returning Bruce, and many many months of brainstorming we have devised a plan to get Bruce where he needs to be for adoption.  We need your help!

Plan Outline:
1.  Bruce will be in boarding for 11 nights beginning May 15th until his temporary foster returns from out of state.  Because of Bruce's high anxiety level, he must be boarded at a special facility that offers an 8x8 room with a large window and tv for stimulation.  This will cost our rescue $330 for his entire stay.  
2.  After his boarding stay, Bruce will go to his temporary foster home for 8 weeks while Master Trainer David B Jones provides in home training.  David Jones of Crescent City K-9 has 27 years experience in dog training and psychology, has a Diploma in K-9 Psychology and Training with an Associates Degree in Human Psychology.  His in home training will cost our rescue $350-$425 depending on his evaluation of the extent of training Bruce needs.
3.  After the 8 weeks of in home training with David Jones, Bruce will then go to Larry Benoit's home for in home training with Larry while awaiting his perfect adopter.  Larry is a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals and mentored and follows the Dick Russell method of training.  

In all, Bruce's rehabilitation will cost us approximately $755. We believe in giving the pit bulls we pull into our rescue program the best options possible for the health and well being of the rest of their lives.  We ask that you join in our mission by donating today to help us offset the cost of Bruce's   journey to a new life.  

All donations are tax deductible.  A donation receipt will be sent to each person that makes a donation with The Pit Stop Rescue's Tax ID Number for tax purposes.

With sincere appreciation for all that you do, 
The Pit Stop Rescue
Baton Rouge, LA